5th EUS-ERCP connection: The “EURCP” concept - 2020

Claudio De Angelis - EUS-ERCP Torino 2020 - Pancreatic ...
Claudio De Angelis - EUS-ERCP Torino 2020 - IPMN ...
Claudio De Angelis - EUS-ERCP Torino 2020 - A curvy and...

The most updated developments in EUS and ERCP and their combined use summed up in the new concept of EURCP which includes a whole world of new ideas and ways to approach the biliopancreatic pathology from both a diagnostic and a therapeutic point of view. All this together with the new diagnostic and therapeutic ancillary techniques and newly developed devices, such as peroral cholangioscopy and pancreatoscopy, intra- and extra-ductal ultrasound (IDUS and EDUS). Participants will be able to follow a lot of live demonstrations about high quality established EUS+/-FNA/B and ERCP techniques and at the same time will have a fantastic view into the most recent advances in diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopic management of patients with biliopancreatic diseases.